I will reduce website bounce rate using google analytics


Welcome to my SEO Package. 

If you’ve been struggling to increase search traffic to your site, improve email signups, get more leads, and acquire more clients, it’s possible that your bounce rate is too high.

In other words, visitors and customers who visit your landing page bounce off, before they even give you a chance to convert them. Reducing your bounce rate helps to boost your conversion rate.

So here’s what I am offering

Reduce the Bounce Rate of your website up to 50 %.

How Reduce Benefit Helps You

  1. Improve your Overall SEO ranking
  2. Increase Traffic by 2x
  3. Make your website good in the SERPs result.
  4. Increase your site’s search performance.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2WRjjQ

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