I will do vrchat avatar, furry avatar, 3d model, nsfw, vrchat for vtuber


About This Gig

Are you looking for an expert and a professional graphics designer? Then you are on the right place, i’m an expert in creating 3d character models and avatar such as vrchat avatar, vtuber, fursona avatar, NSFW model, furry model, anime model and lot more


  1. Facial expressions like angry, joy, sorrow, fun, surprise and xd face, puffy cheeks, sticking out tongue, smirking, tracking muscles and more….
  2. Body physics such as hair, clothes, bust, also accessories like ears, tail
  3. Lighting/shading
  4. Rigging: the movement of the avatar!
  5. Toggles in design


  • VRChat avatar
  • 3d Model
  • Furry avatar
  • Fursona
  • NSFW

Kindly contact me before placing order


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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/ypvEEG

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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