Did you know that the fastest ethical approach to grow your consumer base is through advertising?
Hello! My name is THORBLOG, and I have been a digital marketer since 2019. Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Bing Paid Ads are my specialty.
What should I do?
I can direct a very specific audience to your website who is most likely to buy from you.
By way of the platforms:
YouTube, Google Search, and Display
Twitter & Instagram
PPC Sponsored Ads on Amazon
Search, Shop, & Display on Bing
In addition, if you’re new, I can set up:
Facebook, Google, and Microsoft Bing Ads Account
Tracking conversions on Facebook, Google, and Bing
Google Merchant Center and Bing
Custom and Similar Audience on Google, Facebook, and Bing
Why work with me?
Customer Data Confidentiality, High Customer Satisfaction Rate, Free Consultation Post-Delivery
Have any of the aforementioned questions? Send me a message, and let’s chat. 🙂
Please take aware that advertisements cannot guarantee purchases, only traffic. Sales are a result of the value that your product or service provides to potential clients.
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