I will create an amazing brand commercial video


Looking for an amazing brand commercial video? Thank you for visiting my gig.

First Impression is always important. Our Brand Video has emerged as a way to make yourself stand out from the competitors. Use this commercial for TV, YouTube ads, Facebook ads, Instagram feed, Vimeo & your Website.


We’ll create a mix from relevant video clips from our extensive library for your script. We don’t shoot custom videos though. We’re professional video editors & delivered more than 3000+ orders on fiverr.

What we need:

  • Script (we will discuss if you do not have)
  • Logo & Website


What you will get:

  • Full HD 1080p or 4k video commercial
  • Royalty-Free Premium Music
  • Cinematic Quality Stock Footages
  • Quick Revisions if any
  • Text overlay & Transitions
  • Voice over Male or Female is included


Feel free to contact us! Let’s make magic happen!

 263 total views,  2 views today

Fiverr Gig URL: https://fiverr.com/share/84D1a4

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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