Hi There,
Welcome to this Gig.
Ronan Royce here!
I will build you a responsive and modern restaurant website with online food delivery, food ordering and online table booking functionalities.
Full Gig Features:
- Fully Responsive Website
- Parallax Scrolling Effects
- Elegant Multiple Page Styles with Food Menus
- Online Reservation
- Online Ordering
- Payments with WooCommerce —Allow your visitors to purchase their products and checkout using WooCommerce.
- Fully functional page design including (form + Maps+ Social Sharing) Features
- Food ordering, food tracking and food delivery features
- Customize Product page
- Member Dashboard Customize
- Check out page customization
- Billing/shipping customization
- Payment Integration
- Email Alerts & Live Messaging System
Why Choose Me?
- Well experienced in design layout using different CMS platforms
- Extra fast delivery
- Lite speed site design
- Site speed-up and high page speed score
- Continuous maintenance after project completion.
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/ronanroyce/build-food-delivery-website-restaurant-website-online-food-ordering-websiteFiverr Gig Price ($) : 20