Are you a Merchant Cash Advance Loan provider? Stop wasting your time for unqualified owners and try our Qualified Real-Time MCA Appointment Setting Leads.
This gig will provide you with most exclusive MCA lead. We are a team specialized in leads generation since 2018. We generate our own dialing data by social media marketing and also SEO marketing with over 30 agents working on generating MCA leads and 5 agents working on SEO and social media marketing to generate our own data.
- In business minimum 1 year
- Makes minimum $15k in monthly revenue
- Client has a legitimate business & ability to pay back loan.
- I ask about bankruptcy, If they have any bankruptcy in last 3 years, not qualified.
- Credit score 600 or above.
- Email/fax
- Length of time in business (6 months ok)
- Tax returns (on a case by case basis)
- Fast Funding (2-3 business days)
- Payback terms up to 36 months.
Our MCA aged leads are exclusive and qualified! Let’s have a short conversation via INBOX
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