I will pass ftmo forex trading ftmo challenge ftmo verification


About This Gig

Welcome To My Ftmo Challenge And verification Gig!

My name is Malek and I’m a professional trader with 15+ years of trading experience. Technical and Fundamental analysis of markets, including the forex market, stock market, futures, and cryptocurrencies. My work experience includes market-making, proprietary trading, private equity placement, and trading system development including programming, testing, and execution.

I’ll pass your FTMO challenge and verification successfully. After verification, I can help you continue trading the live account to earn commission per month. I can handle, reach target, and abide by the rules of FOREX Prop Fund Company. I will manage your personal or prop funding FOREX account either on challenge phase or verification. With the help of my top-notch experience, I will easily pass up the test and and get a funded account. Upon successful completion of challenge and verification I will manage your account.

Kindly contact me before placing order!

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/NkeWvG

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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