If you’ve just started a new Etsy shop or have been wanting to open a new one, it may feel a little overwhelming to do the setup all by yourself. An Etsy shop is trusted by buyers when it looks professional, complete, well updated, has a good story behind it with good branding, and looks promising. I can do all that for you. This gig will have you covered from the start to finish.
I can create a new Etsy shop or set up/give a makeover to an already existing one efficiently, using my expertise.
Etsy shop setup
Profitable Product research
Listing creation
Seo and Promotion creation
Keywords Tags Research
Design a Shop Banner
Create a Shop icon
Please ensure your seller account is activated for me to get started with this project.
I look forward to setting up your store and get those sales rolling 🙂
585 total views, 2 views today
Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/aiden_ecom/do-dropshipping-etsy-shop-product-listing-promotion-seo?context_referrer=gig_page&source=other_gigs_by&ref_ctx_id=c861ac396b996e05c2deb9d54b5f0db6&pckg_id=1&pos=3&imp_id=d3a8daae-bc95-48b9-9fee-8d838693615dFiverr Gig Price ($) : 20