I will do amazon product research and amazon fba product research for fba pl

  • Looking for Amazon FBA Product Research Expert?

You are in the right spot, I can track down the best winning amazon FBA product for your private label. In top-selling classes, with 4 or above survey rating.

Item examination on Amazon is a play for PL

In view of my experience, I would propose you most appropriate item research contingent on the classification, spending plan, net revenue, and contender.

Here is what I offer: (utilizing Helium 10 or Jungle Scout)

  • Items with month to month income between $6,000 – $26,000+
  • Items with a low number of surveys
  • Specialties with space to contend in the main 10
  • Catchphrases of at minimum 2k month to month look
  •  Normal selling costs between $12 – $50+
  •  not occasional, no AMZ, and no brand dominancy
  • Benefits of at minimum 35% – 45% and ROI of at minimum every available ounce of effort
  • The free suggestion of the supplier(Ali Baba)
  • Item research for USA, UK, DE, and CA

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