Hello, Awesome Buyer!
- Are you looking for an expert who will create content for your online courses?
- Are you looking for someone who will handle your content efficiently?
Welcome Here!
I am Mary, a content creator for online courses. I will create online course content and a course outline. I will explain the steps in creating a successful online course such as e-learning, ICT training, or product knowledge. I have experience in creating online training programs with an image information system (wiki). I will write the content that you want to reach the maximum number of users. I will also create online courses for learning that are engaging and easy to read and understand, and also for businesses and non-profits. I have a thorough understanding of the different types of content that exist on this platform and how to best use them to effectively deliver instructions.
I will ensure you get:
- Course description, outline, and design
- Workbook and Questions
- Learning objectives
- Updated content for any course.
- Summary of Modules by Chapter
- Weekly lesson plans
For a customized solution to your needs, get in touch with me!
Best Regards,
665 total views, 4 views today
Fiverr Gig URL: Gig Price ($) : 15