I will java, javafx, swing and javascript projects


Favorite0I am profassional Java, javaFx, java swing, javascript developer, having experince more than 5 years. Since now, i have develop project for general purpose as well as for industrial level. My domain of expertise are  POS Management System Appointment and reservation systems Desktop Chat and Email Apps Simple and advance level Web-Base APP Feature integration in web and […]

I will do data science, machine learning, deep learning tasks in python and r


Favorite0I am professional data scientist and master of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Have strong expertise in Python and R languages. My core area of expertise are, Data Mining Association Classification Data Science Deep Learning Data Visualization Machine Learning Statistical analysis Clustering Analysis Regression Analysis Data Pre-processing Data Cleaning and Preparation Supervised and Unsupervised Learning […]

I will build full stack web app in php, nodejs, angular, react and python django


Favorite0i am professional full stack developer since 2015, i have strong expertise in Frontend (Vuejs, ReactJs, Angular) Backend (Nodejs, Firebase PHP) Attractive UI/UX Database design and integration What will I do? Design and build new website Customize web app Up gradation and modification Payment gateways integration Bug fixing of backend and frontend Database development and […]