I will setup Facebook pixel and google analytics conversion API with GTM ISO 14 update


Is Your Business In Need Of Setting Up Facebook Pixel , Conversion API , Product Catalog , Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager Experts For Boosting? You’ve come to the right place.

Here is my services: https://cutt.ly/ZLflTQk 

 Benefits of Set Up FB Pixel

➤ Improve audience tracking accuracy and efficiency.

➤ Create lookalike audiences and custom audiences

➤ A dynamic product catalog

➤ Dynamic advertising and remarketing to reach more customers

➤ Track cross-device conversions

Package 1:

 Facebook pixel Integration + Standard Event (Pageview) to track all pages and user visits.

 Package 2:

 Google Analytics + Google Tag Manager + Facebook pixel setup with lead and conversion tracking for both Google Analytics and Facebook.

 Package 3:

 Package 2 + Enhanced eCommerce analytics + Conversion API + Setup Deduplicate Event + All eCommerce events for Facebook Pixel + G Ads conversion tracking to track sale+ remarketing and retargeting & GA 4and Google Ads linking

 If you would like to place an order, please contact me.

Gig Tag: #Facebookpixel #facebookconversionapi #conversionapi #facebookads #pixelsetup #iso14update #fixfacebookpixel #facebookpixelsetup #googletagmanager #googleanalytics4 #conversiontracking

Thank you.

 391 total views,  4 views today

Fiverr Gig URL: https://cutt.ly/ZLflTQk

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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