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Do you need help increasing your product visibility, boosting sales and reducing your ACOS through AMAZON PPC CAMPAIGN?
Are you fed up with losing your money on higher ACOS?
Then, you are at the right spot.
I’ll launch your Amazon PPC Campaign for conducting proper research over your competitors and customers. I am going to collect your customer search queries, AMZ recommended keywords and sponsored PPC ads on which are competitors are going to bid on. I will provide you the PPC campaign management, stop the irrelevant traffic coming on your PPC ads, draining your budget and will reduce your ACOS professionally by applying different strategies.
Results you will get from my fba ppc campaign management:
Listing Optimization and ppc optimization
Boosting sales within 1 to 2 months
On Going fba ppc campaign management
Boost sales, BSR Rank and traffic
amazon PPC campaign setup (auto and manual) with exact, broad and phrase matches
Golden keywords research
Negative keywords targeting
Keywords, Product, ASIN and Category Targeting
338 total views, 2 views today
Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/umairnawaz4322/scale-amazon-pay-per-click-ads-amazon-fba-pay-per-click-campaign?gig_id=255748033&utm_campaign=base_gig_create_share&utm_content=&utm_medium=shared&utm_source=get_url&utm_term=&view=gigFiverr Gig Price ($) : 5