I will scrape google map businesses data with emails


scrape google map businesses data with emails

I will provide you with targeted business leads to increase your business traffic and for your marketing purposes. I have a huge experience of this and I can create a business leads list from any industry and country.

I’m an expert in scraping business data from Google Maps.

We also offer custom scraping for other sites, contact me for more info.

Feel free to contact me.

U will get info data in the file: CSV, Excel, Google sheet.

My Services: 

  • Company Name 
  • Website
  • Email ( If Available )
  • Phone
  • Address ( City, State, Zip Code, )
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Rating
  • Reviews
  • Image URL
  • Facebook URL ( If Available )
  • Instagram URL ( If Available )
  • Twitter URL ( If Available )
  • Linkedin ( If Available )


We need the following to understand your needs:


Niche / Keyword (e.g, Real Estate, Hospitality, ETC) 

Targeted Location (City or Country)

Required format

Why Us:


  •  Accuracy of data is key
  • 100% Reliable and Trusted
  • 100% Satisfaction
  • 100% accuracy
  • 100% High-quality work 
  • 100% Error-free work 
  • 100% on-time delivery 
  •  Guaranteed Quality Product
  •  Fast Work and Fast Deliver


 306 total views,  2 views today

Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/L7Qgl0

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 5

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