I will cast the dijnn spell to bring you luck


Hello everyone

In this Gig I will use my powerful Djinn to cast the most powerful spell to make real one of your wishes.

He is a Djinn that an arabic elder sold me some years ago.

This Djinn is one of the most strong and old in the world, and he was sealed inside that lamp.

Every Djinn like to be free, and I’ll exchange his temporary freedom for the energy to make your wish real.

Did your ex_partner break up with you during a blazing row when feelings where running high! maybe pride or one both sides has been preventing you from getting back together ever since you are here in front of the most powerful spells you ever seen, this arabic obsession spell will make you live your dream relationship all what u need is to ask for it.

I can change your life, why chose me because i am not like other casters i care about my clients so much, i will stay with you and hear all your problems until we find a solution for every worry in your life.

mama Niss come here to bless your life ,i can help you in everything just name it.

i cant wait to hear your story


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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/todd_smith123/djinn-wish-spell-djinn-spell-love-spell-black-magic-custom-spell

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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