I will build systeme io sales funnel, landing page and email flows


Many people don’t know the important of SALES FUNNEL, Many Business have Neglected the usefulness of sales funnel because they all felt they have their store, business 

and website already so nothing more to be done, which is why they are faced with NO or Annoying sales and gradually leads to store being closed up.

 SALES FUNNEL As the name implies is a strategic way of making your NARROW END BUSINESS OPENLY KNOWN TO THE WORLD {just like a funnel}, A Complete sales 

funnel record your buyers activities and details, Give your costumers reason to purchase, Show subscribers a BEAUTIFULY ORINETED AND  WELL DESIGNED PRODUCT WITH GREAT LOVING CONTENT {LANDING PAGE}, Show old buyers new product and remind them to purchase more. ETC

 I am BRIGHT by name, an expert in DIGITAL MARKETING GENERALY and also WEBSITE DESIGNER. Feel free to message me and table your problem, and I assure you that you will 

smile at the end.


  • Form page
  • Thank you page
  • Landing page
  • Lead capture page
  • Email Automations
  • Email follow-up
  • Complete Profitable Sales Funnel
  • Website Design


  • Excellent communication
  • 100% satisfaction
  • Quick response time
  • Quick Delivery

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/eL26xY

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 20

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