I will be your administrative data assistant


Hey, Its me Arif!

Are you are getting trouble while managing your time or busy with other important tasks?

Then your are on right place!

As your virtual assistant, I will complete your order with 100% confidentiality, making your workload easier for you to manage.

Following are the things which I can offer you:

  1. Research work (Getting data for any purpose)
  2. Data collection from PDF/Image/Scan paper/Websites
  3. Proof reading (For spellings and grammatical mistakes)
  4. PDF or JPEG to Excel or Word
  5. Data Entry Online or Offline
  6. Any MS Office tool work
  7. Email Management
  8. Copy-paste work
  9. Admin Support

I am able to do many other tasks which are not mentioned. If what you are looking for is not mentioned in this gig, please message me.

I will be glad to help you out.

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/ariful7074/be-your-administrative-data-assistant

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 10

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