Step By Step Guide

After Registration or First Time Login

Very important* – Go to your account [Menu-> Account] and update  your  Fiverr Account Username . The submitted Gigs in FiverrBox must be in this account on Fiverr. This helps to verify your account and the points you earn in FiverrBox.

Why this is important : When you participate in the point system project, you make and get real orders and leave feedback. If you order with a different account we cannot verify that you made the order to add your earned points.

Submit your Fiverr Gigs

Now it’s time to submit your Fiverr Gigs.

Go to [Menu->My Gigs->New Submission] to submit a new one.

As Title insert the same Title in Fiverr without “I will ” and price. For Example (Fiverr Title : I will create a professional business logo for $5). Insert -> “Create a professional business logo”

As Category choose the Fiverr similar category.

As Discount 20% choose if you are willing to offer a 20% discount to a FiverrBox member ordering your gig in Fiverr.

As Description copy your Fiverr Gig description and paste it as content.

As Featured Image select the same image you choose in Fiverr for this gig. (This helps visitors to avoid mistakes in their choices).

As Tags submit the same tags as in Fiverr, using commas to separate them.

As Fiverr Gig URL submit the URL of your Fiverr Gig when someone visit it. For example:  ( or pressing the twitter share button in Fiverr you will get a link like this (

As Fiverr Gig Price submit your basic service price. If exceeds 20$, choose 20$.

Now you can submit your gig and become live. You can also save it as draft to make your final changes and submit it later.

Feature My Gigs

According to your plan, premium members can feature and promote all their gigs. Very soon, we will  feature them.


Premium Plan is montly plan. With every renewal of subscription, your gig will continue to be featured (gets in the beginning) and promoted again as a new one. If the renewal fails, next day  your membership downgrades to Basic and gigs stop to be featured. Your gigs remain submitted. You can upgrade to a new plan again anytime and the gig will be re-featured.

Our members may service excellent pieces of work. But their work is not visible and approachable in Fiverr. FiverrBox gives the opportunity to  our members meet and contact each other to built better services and give a boost to their “dead” gigs start ranking higher. Read in [Menu-> Help-> How To Get Orders] what needs to help our Fiverr business start working.

What is the benefit? We start to get real orders from trusted people inside FiverrBox where exchanged opinions don’t damage Fiverr Profiles and rankings. No bonuses are closing our mouths to express our dissatisfaction . Everyone in this directory has a common target. Make services better ranking in Fiverr and start selling more and more.

Message Box

FiverrBox is a directory to exchange thoughts about Fiverr services. A message box is available to contact each other. Do not spam. Avoid massive message to other members as there is a possibility to report your activity and disable your account.

Don’t Forget

Don’t forget to explore in [Menu->Help-> How To Get Orders] what needs to build a Fiverr business succesfully.