List Your Fiverr Gigs

Click on “My Gigs” -> “List A New Gig” at the secondary menu. A new Form appears to fill the fields appropriately.

Write your Fiverr gig’s title exactly as in Fiverr.

Select the appropriate category as in Fiverr. *There is an extra option to include your service in a specific directory called “Discount 20%”. If you agree to provide your service to any potential client with a 20% discount price, then include your gig in this directory as visitors are able to search separately for Discounted gigs and find yours.

Copy – Paste your Fiverr gigs description as in Fiverr.

Upload the same image as in Fiverr. If your image is not in your files, go to your Fiverr gig, click preview and save the image as the picture below.

Insert 5 tags max, if possible as in Fiverr. Separate using commas.

Insert the Fiverr link of your service. Go to your Gigs in Fiverr and choose Preview of your gig. You can copy your link from your web browser address bar ex. “” or click on “Share Your Gig” and choose “Copy Link” from the buttons as below.

Insert the price of your cheapest or basic package. In case it is more expensive than 15$ then choose “20+”.

Save as draft, in case you have changes to do before submission. Otherwise, proceed to submission and you are ready. You can make changes to your listings but you can’t delete them. If you delete a service in Fiverr, you can request a deletion in your FiverrBox Dashboard.

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