In this tutorial, we will try to show you how Fiverr works to evaluate and rank your services in Fiverr. Realizing what is needed to succeed in Fiverr, we will show you what to do to achieve targets, avoid mistakes, take decisions and take necessary steps to manage your Fiverr Gigs inside and outside Fiverr. In the end, everyone will understand what to do to start increasing visibility and success in Fiverr.
Fiverr is an excellent service platform giving opportunities to talented people to offer their services. It is a win-win situation as both freelancers and Fiverr earn from selling services.
So Fiverr is a big store selling services to clients by exposing the best products to make the store attractive. Probably an algorithm selects and ranks the services according to some indicators. It is absolutely logical to choose first the services that sell. Why these services are attractive to clients? Because they also have many positive reviews. As the clients are happy with services and freelancers, Fiverr is happy too because is getting fees from services and the clients are satisfied and come back to Fiverr to buy.
How does Fiverr measure the attractiveness of a service?
Let’s answer using an example. I am selling 2 similar products. The first had 1000 views and bought it 150 people and the second had 1000 views and bought it, 5 people. Which one do you think I should place on the first page of my store? I want sales and the answer is obvious. Fiverr works exactly the same way. Exposing the best sellers, giving impressions to them. Impressions inside Fiverr bring real orders and sales. This is the reason you need to make a lot of things to approach success in Fiverr.
Important to Avoid
The main mistake Fiverr sellers make, is sharing massively their Fiverr gigs. When you create a service, the most logical is to share it to get it known. But this may kill your services even from their startup. It is also something that can be recovered. How to avoid this and get your Fiverr Gigs known?
Use a way to show what you offer inside Fiverr but show it outside of the platform. For example, create a website and promote your brand name through it and your services. Share it massively and approach clients to visit and explore what you offer. Drive the clients who are really interested in your services into Fiverr. This is also what FiverrBox provides. Exposes your services exactly described as in Fiverr. Only clients determined to buy will visit Fiverr and order your service. This is the key.
If 20000 people visit your service in FiverrBox and just only one of the links to Fiverr and buy then Fiverr knows that with one visit – view, your service had one sale. A well-descriptioned gig, trying as a seller to make your clients satisfied and get 5-star positive reviews, will be progress for your gig.
What do you think would happened if these 20000 people visit your service directly on Fiverr?
Fiverr understands that you had one order after 20000 views. Useless service. Fiverr would never give impressions to such a service. No impressions in Fiverr, no sales through Fiverr visits.
Fiverr indicators, meaning views of your services are safe when you expose and link massively to your Fiverr gigs description outside Fiverr. Like FiverrBox or a website, you created for that reason.
Let’s get back to us.
What is FiverrBox
FiverrBox is a portal website service to Fiverr
FiverrBox is a website service designed to provide hosting to your Fiverr Gig’s descriptions and links back to Fiverr, sharing your services and talents to multiple audiences outside Fiverr. FiverrBox targets exclusively on social media target groups related to Fiverr services. FiverrBox creates backlinks to your services and your Fiverr gigs are indexed in search engines.
We created such a service as there are thousands of Fiverr Gigs with no impressions and visibility inside the Fiverr platform. It is the most common problem for all Fiverr sellers and FiverrBox provides visibility, sharing, and outsource traffic to your Fiverr Gig’s descriptions. FiverrBox becomes your vehicle to make the services you provide in Fiverr known. Our target is to make your impressions increase and make your services active back in Fiverr.
Believe us, there is no danger for your Fiverr account to share your Fiverr gigs descriptions in FiverrBox. Fiverr already encourages you to share your Fiverr links everywhere except advertising them. FiverrBox approaches visitors to explore your descriptions and link them back to Fiverr becoming orders. Only views and visits that become orders will increase impressions in Fiverr.
In FiverrBox, we share FiverrBox links instead of Fiverr links. Potential buyers have to read descriptions outside Fiverr and link in Fiverr only to order. Avoiding visitors to explore descriptions in Fiverr, decreases views and visits not turned to orders. This is the key. Services must show that sell. Fiverr gigs with orders and sales after a low amount of views are an indicator that increases impressions in Fiverr.
“We created an experiment. Playing with our accounts, we found a way to share our Fiverr account’s gig massively. Without taking apart the design and the reviews, we found out that impressions were decreasing until the time our gig was totally invisible. We had no impressions at all. Sharing our FiverrBox links massively everywhere, we managed to make a few sales. Suddenly we started to get impressions again after a specific period. Statistics lead us to understand that views in Fiverr not turned to orders make our services invisible. They are probably not attractive and Fiverr is based on quality, attractiveness, and positive reviews.”
It is almost sure that searching you and your services, there is a possibility to find them in search results in FiverrBox when they are somewhere hidden and lost in Fiverr.
Common questions
Many FiverrBox members are asking some questions like :
Why I didn’t get any sales yet as I have listed my gigs in FiverrBox?
How you can promote my gigs to rank first? etc.
First of all, FiverrBox doesn’t sell. FIverrBox exposes and promotes your Fiverr Gigs to social accounts and groups. FIverrBox tries to spread the word about your gigs listed in FiverrBox, for the reasons we have already mentioned.
How FiverrBox members can help with this promotion?
The answer is coming from the following questions.
Have you even liked your own services?
Have you shared FiverrBox listings with your friends?
Have you shared them with groups related to Fiverr?
Do you know you could advertise your Fb FiverrBox posts as it is the safest way to advertise your Fiverr gigs without killing their ranking in Fiverr?
If you have done nothing to help your services, you may get no results.
What can I do to boost my services visibility?
We have added buttons in your Dashboard to approach FiverrBox Fb and Twitter posts of your gigs.
Our posts are shared but you have to know that on Facebook only 5% to 10% of followers view your listings.
For that reason, you can share and reshare it daily to approach most of your followers or the groups and pages you have shared them.
You can use buttons at the bottom of your posts.
We have also added the 20% Discount Option. We want to approach buyers in the future to search for Fiverr services in FiverrBox searching for a 20% discount. Take advantage of this option as we have added an extra search bar for discounted services. You can edit your gig’s category to “Discount 20%”. You can gain visibility, orders, sales, and positive reviews. Remember the target. Start getting more and more impressions inside Fiverr.
What else can I do?
Check and edit your description and use the right keywords. We will add tutorials but you can also explore some videos to see how a description can be attractive and worthy.
Spend much time to find a perfect picture or pictures. You can also create a video gig. Fiverr says that video helps to get more visibility. We can’t prove if this is true or not.
The most important. Be polite and friendly. Make the best to keep your client happy and satisfied. Give the client more than expects and make gifts. You have to get a 5-star positive review. It’s necessary. Not the sale nor the earnings. The positive reviews will bring much more earnings in the future. Give everything to get much more than expected.
And remember. Don’t do what most sellers do. Do not ever share your direct Fiverr links. You don’t need useless increasing views with low potential profit. You are killing your Fiverr gigs.
That’s it. Good luck.