Hello, do you have a mistake in your PDF document, or do you want to alter something in your PDF file, or do you need to update a PDF file?
If that’s the case, then let me handle it! I will edit/modify your PDF files according to your specifications.
I will professionally make the following modifications:
✅Fix a typo
✅Insert, modify or remove text
✅Rearrange, Split, Merge, Delete, Rotate,
✅Combine Pages
✅Protect Documents
✅Crop or swap a photo
✅Add or Update Headers, Footers, Watermark, or
✅Adjust Page Numbers
✅Add Bullets
✅Add or remove hyperlink
✅Rotate text & images
✅Any other changes
For a custom quote, please send us your PDF file with the required changes.
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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/vicatoke/change-modify-edit-any-pdf-fileFiverr Gig Price ($) : 5