I will setup superb kickstarter,fundraising,indiegogo,gofundme,crowdfunding campaign


You have a great idea but don’t know where to start from and how to prepare to launch your Kickstarter/ Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign?

Or maybe you have already researched all there is over the internet but ended up even more confused about what it takes to have a successful funding campaign?

Nobody wants to launch to the crickets when it comes to crowdfunding and there is just too much information that any first-time creator needs to know Before they even launch:

– how much time in advance should they engage their followers

– how to create awareness about the campaign

– how to select the rewards

– how to set their goal

– what does a successful campaign page look like

– what’s the best platform to use

oh, the list goes on and on.

With this offer I am ready to answer any of your questions related to your crowdfunding campaign. You can send me your questions in advance or you can shoot them duringin a call.

What’s Included:

– I will help you create your Campaign Strategic Plan

– I will Write the copy for your Campaign Page

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Fiverr Gig URL: https://www.fiverr.com/share/YyPN6l

Fiverr Gig Price ($) : 5

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